
Patrick Hemming DVM

Embryology Services

Bovine Flush, embryos

A bovine embryo flush

  • Donor Management, at the ART facility
  • Embryo collection
  • Embryo freezing
  • Embryo transfer of fresh or frozen embryos
  • Embryo splitting (fresh embryos only)
  • Embryo sexing (by arrangement)

Donor Prospect

An embryo donor prospect

Flushing a Cow

Embryo collection

Embryo Search

Searching for embryos

Embryo freezing equipment

Embryo freezing equipment

Animal Reproductive Technologies LLC

Mailing address:

A.R.T. Breeding
2540 W. 18th Street Road
Greeley, CO 80634

Phone: (970) 539-0957

e-mail address:

A pretty face

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Animal Reproductive Technologies LLC

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